- What is the deadline for registering for VQB5 and RecognizeB5?
- I'm a teacher. How do I register for RecognizeB5?
- I registered for participation in VQB5 through LinkB5, does this mean that I will definitely be a part of the RecognizeB5 Program?
- How do Teachers register for RecognizeB5 ?
- What is the criteria for my SITE to have teachers be considered for eligibility in RecognizeB5?
- I participated in RecognizeB5 in a prior program year and provided VECF W-9 at that time. Why am I being asked to submit one again?
- I was contacted by VECF and asked to complete an IRS W-9 Form. Why am I required to submit an IRS W-9 Form to participate in RecognizeB5?
- How do Teachers opt-in to receive the financial incentive?