There are no changes to eligibility for RecognizeB5 for the 2024-2025 year. To be considered for RecognizeB5 eligibility, Teachers must meet all of the following criteria:
- Teach in an ECCE classroom setting directly with children (ages birth to 5; not yet enrolled in Kindergarten) for at least 30 hours per week.
- Work at publicly-funded child care sites and family day homes actively participating in VQB5.
- Teachers employed by public school divisions in the Commonwealth ARE NOT eligible.
- Teachers working in programs, including Head Start, whose site is co-located in a public school building ARE eligible if they ARE NOT employed by a public school division.
- Register for participation in VQB5 through LinkB5 by the registration deadline of Tuesday October 1, 2024.
- In August 2024, teachers will receive an invitation to register for VQB5 through the state’s LinkB5 system. Teachers MUST register EACH year and are encouraged to register as quickly as possible.
- Opt-in to receive a financial incentive by responding to a request from VECF to confirm consent and submit a W9 form.